Treatment aims to return people to constructive functioning in the family, job, and community, in addition to stopping drug misuse. According to long-term research that follows persons in treatment, most people who enter and stay in treatment quit using drugs, reduce their criminal activity, and improve their professional, social, and psychological functioning. Methadone treatment, for example, has been proven to boost involvement in behavioral therapy while decreasing both drug usage and criminal behavior.
On the other hand, individual drug & alcohol treatment centers outcomes are determined by the magnitude and character of the patient’s problems, the appropriateness of the treatment and related services utilized to address those problems, and the quality of interaction between the patient and their treatment providers.
Can addiction be controlled?
Like other chronic conditions, addiction can be successfully controlled, and treatment allows people to reclaim control of their lives by counteracting addiction’s powerfully disruptive effects on the brain and behavior. Because the disease is chronic, relapsing to drug abuse is not only possible but also likely, with symptom recurrence rates comparable to those for other well-characterized chronic medical illnesses, such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma (see figure, “Comparison of Relapse Rates Between Drug Addiction and Other Chronic Illnesses”), which has both physiological and behavioral components.
This is not the case
Successful addiction drug & alcohol treatment centers typically require continual evaluation and modification as appropriate, similar to the approach taken for other chronic diseases. For example, when a patient receives active treatment for hypertension and symptoms decrease, the remedy is deemed successful, even though symptoms may recur when treatment is discontinued. For the addicted individual, lapses to drug abuse do not indicate failure—instead, they signify that treatment needs to be reinstated or adjusted or that alternate treatment is needed (see figure, “Why is Addiction Treatment Evaluated Differently?”).
How does it cost?
Substance misuse costs the US more than $600 billion per year, and therapy can help minimize these expenses. Treatment for drug addiction has been shown to reduce associated health and societal expenses significantly more than the treatment’s own cost. Treatment is also far less expensive than alternatives such as incarceration for addicts. A whole year of methadone maintenance treatment, for example, costs roughly $4,700 per patient, but a full year of jail costs approximately $24,000 per individual.
Because people proceed through drug addiction treatment at different rates, there is no set length of drug & alcohol treatment centers. However, research has indisputably proven that proper treatment time is required for optimum outcomes. In general, involvement in inpatient or outpatient treatment for fewer than 90 days is ineffective, and treatment lasting substantially longer is needed to sustain beneficial effects. Methadone maintenance is considered the very minimum for 12 months, and some opioid-addicted persons continue to benefit from it for many years.
It is hard for anyone to admit that they need help and therefore it is important to know how to spot the signs of addiction and ask for help.