Whether you’re just starting the keto diet or have been on keto for a while, it’s essential to keep track of your blood sugar and ketone levels. This is especially true if you’re a person with type 1 diabetes, which puts you at risk of ketoacidosis (DKA).
There are several ways to test for ketone levels, including urine strips and blood tests. This article will help you determine which one is right for you and how to interpret your results.
How to test
Whether you’re following keto for weight loss or to manage health conditions like diabetes, it’s essential to test for ketones. This allows you to determine whether or not you’re in nutritional ketosis, a state your body enters when you cut out carbohydrates and turn to fat for fuel.
Ketones are organic compounds that your body makes to replace the missing carbs when you’re on a low-carb diet. You can test for ketones through urine, breath, or blood.
Urine testing is the simplest and least expensive method, although it’s the least accurate. You put a test strip in your urine and wait for it to change color. Then you compare the color to a chart.
The other method is to keto blood test, which can be done at home or your doctor’s office. The procedure is similar to using a glucose meter: Place a droplet of blood onto a test strip and wait for it to show up on the digital screen.
What to test for
Nutritional ketosis occurs when your body uses fat instead of sugar for energy. This happens when you reduce your carbohydrate intake, which causes a decrease in blood glucose and insulin levels, allowing the body to burn fat for fuel.
Several ketone tests can be used to check for ketosis, including blood, breath, and urine testing. These tests measure the levels of b-hydroxybutyrate, acetone, and acetoacetate.
The most accurate method is blood ketone testing, which measures beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). It’s also more sensitive and specific for people with diabetes and can give you a good idea of whether or not you’re in the early stages of DKA.
There are a few different brands of blood ketone monitors that can be used to test for ketones, including CareTouch, Keto-Mojo, Precision Xtra, and Nova Max Plus. They generally come with a few ketone test strips and a manual to guide you through the process.
How to interpret your results
You may get several different results when you test your blood for ketones. Some results are expected, while others could indicate a problem. You should interpret the results carefully and follow your doctor’s instructions. A high or positive impact means that you have ketoacidosis, which can be very dangerous if not treated immediately.
You can do a keto blood test at home or at your doctor’s office. Your doctor will put a thin needle in your arm to draw a small blood sample. You might feel pain or bruise at the injection site, but most of these symptoms go away quickly. If you have a high reading, it is best to drink more water and sugar-free fluids and call your doctor for more insulin. You must contact the ER for help if your results are very high. Having diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is very serious, and it can lead to coma or death.