Everyone has experienced acne issues at the most awkward times like before parties, work presentations, dates, or some crucial moments in their life. It is a skin condition, which surfaces when hair follicles get plugged with dead skin cells and oil. It causes pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads. It is generally a teenage issue, but it is capable to affect people at any age.
Acne is persistent but there are effective treatments. The bumps and pimples heal slowly, but others crop up. Acne can cause emotional distress and skin scars when the severity is high. So, it is better to start 暗瘡疤痕 [acne scars] as soon as possible. Retens Medical & Beauty Center offers painless treatment for acne scar removal and skin rejuvenation.
When skin pores get clogged comedones are formed, which causes bacteria growth leading to red bumps and inflammation. Self-care remedies don’t work at times and for many women acne flares some days before menstruation. Acne can be severe, moderate, or mild. When they are severe, the pimple is pus-filled bumps [cysts] beneath the skin surface and is painful. Mild acne is with/without red pustules and causes less irritation than moderate acne pus-filled red pimples.
Healed acne leaves behind brown or light head marks that heal naturally. Unfortunately, severe acne with cysts increases the chances of leaving permanent marks as they heal. Scarring also occurs when the person squeezes or picks the acne rather than allowing it to heal or treat it. The majority of people experience 暗瘡印凹凸洞 [acne marks bump hole] and its severity depends on the acne type developed and the way it is treated.
Acne scar types
Atrophic scars
These are flat and shallow depressions, which heal below the top skin layer. Severe cystic acne causes the scar. Atrophic scars are subcategorized into three types.
- Boxcar scars – The depression is broad, box-like with sharp edges. It commonly forms on the jaw and lower cheeks, where the skin is thick.
- Icepick scars – The scars are narrow hollows pointing downwards into the surface of the skin. You can find them commonly on your cheeks and need persistent hostile treatment.
- Rolling scars – Skin appears uneven and wavy because the scars have erratic depth with slanted edges.
Hypertrophic & keloid scars
The scars form raised lumps of tissue in place of the vanished acne. Scar tissue builds up from previous acne marks. Keloid scars are larger than acne causing them, while hypertrophic scars are of the same size. Both are commonly found in the chest, back, shoulder and jawline.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
After the acne leaves, a discolored skin patch is left behind. It is not a mark and resolves with a reliable sun protection routine. If your skin is damaged due to severe acne then hyperpigmentation occurs. Over time, your skin gets its natural color with a sun protection regimen.
Now, you understood the cause of acne, it is time to get proper treatment. Post-inflammatory pigmentation takes time to heal the scars but to 去暗瘡印 [remove acne marks] the latest Pico Picosecond laser therapy is the best.